October 23, 2008

It's not official, but....

...it sure looked like a lil' winky to me. We're having a boy! I peeked on the fuzzy ultrasound machine at work.  We are so excited and Tess is now saying that she has a boy in her tummy. We aren't buying anything "boy" until we know for sure in a week at my formal ultrasound. We let my parents know when we invited them over for dinner and had these little babies with the labels "boy" and Gus" placed in the mashed potatoes and meatloaf.  Thought I'd let you all know and also make this my first post on my road to blogging recovery. Yes, I'm back!


Amber said...

Congrats!! Little boys are so much fun! Dirty but fun.

LeShel said...

You'll be a great mom of a boy! Congrats!!

Brooke Franco said...

I am so excited for you guy's! I am also excited you are back to blogging we have missed you!

Amber said...

Yay~ I am so excited...one because your back, but two because you are having a boy!