Last Friday my mom, Tess, and I headed down to Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival. The tulips were only about 50% in bloom, but it was still beautiful and great to be outside. Tess loved it, of course, because to her the combo of Grandma and the outdoors is something to be topped. My mom has so much fun with her grandkids, you'd never know she has back pain. Check her out rolling down the hill with Tess! I tried to get some good photos, but Tess never holds still. Here's what I got! Thanks for the fun, mom!
April 30, 2008
Spring is Here!
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L&D Stories
For all my labor and delivery nurse friends or any of you who like funny stories about labor and delivery, here is a blog dedicated to just that. I got the link from my friend Brit. Be forewarned, what may be funny to an L&D nurse may gross the rest of you out completely! There are quite a few stories I should post myself, but I'll save that for a later date. Have a good laugh!
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Let the Games Begin!
We have officially started on our basement! I get so excited, but I have to avoid thinking of the expense. My brother, Triston, is framing for us and my dad and Brad are there to help, too. It will be so awesome to have double the space when we are done! We're finishing it so we'll have more space for another kiddo. Yep, that's right... it's time to start trying for another one this month. With that said... let the games begin!
Love the power tools!
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I Suck!
I suck BIG TIME, I really do now! We purchased an awesome vacuum last month and it makes cleaning so much fun! I recommend it to anyone. We got a Dyson which has awesome suction and no bags. Yeah! I hesitated because of the price. We really just needed something better than our $70 vacuum we got for our wedding. But, I love it and it was worth the bucks! I've never wanted to vacuum so much and I do it several times a week now just to get that fulfillment of seeing how much I can get out of the carpets and off my floors. So, there you have it...I really suck!
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