April 30, 2008

I Suck!

I suck BIG TIME, I really do now! We purchased an awesome vacuum last month and it makes cleaning so much fun! I recommend it to anyone. We got a Dyson which has awesome suction and no bags. Yeah! I hesitated because of the price. We really just needed something better than our $70 vacuum we got for our wedding. But, I love it and it was worth the bucks! I've never wanted to vacuum so much and I do it several times a week now just to get that fulfillment of seeing how much I can get out of the carpets and off my floors. So, there you have it...I really suck!  


Tara said...

We bought the same vacuum a week ago as well. Life is a lot easier...and cleaner now.

Jill and Preston said...

I am also a fan of my Dyson.