April 30, 2008

Spring is Here!

Last Friday my mom, Tess, and I headed down to Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival.  The tulips were only about 50% in bloom, but it was still beautiful and great to be outside.  Tess loved it, of course, because to her the combo of Grandma and the outdoors is something to be topped.  My mom has so much fun with her grandkids, you'd never know she has back pain. Check her out rolling down the hill with Tess!  I tried to get some good photos, but Tess never holds still.  Here's what I got! Thanks for the fun, mom!


Greg and Niki said...

What camera did you end up getting? Your pictures look great!

Ali said...

I agree with Niki - your pictures are so good. Are you going to be at book club this month? If so, I want you to tell me all about your camera.