May 30, 2008
Potty Time
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May 20, 2008
Here is a flyer I've sent out for my photography if anyone is interested. I'm working on a photography blog and will post the link when I finish.
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May 16, 2008
New Studio
So, I finally did it...I got studio lights (Thanks Brad!) and I'm pursuing my love of photography. I still love natural light the best, but portraits in the studio are fun and so sweet. I mean, when else do we really get our kids to pose like that? Anyway, here are a few pictures I took of my friend's baby. Isn't he precious?
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May 6, 2008
Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage
Now I know why my husband digs Jessica Alba so much... he sees me in her! Hah, ya right! I only wish!
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Sweet Reunion
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May 3, 2008
Women's Conference
My mom, sister, a friend, and I spent Friday at Women's Conference. Holy cow... I've never seen so many women. At times it felt like we were part of a cattle drive. Other than that, we had a great time being together, being uplifted, eating ice cream, and shopping for bags galore! We heard Pres. Monson and Julie B. Beck speak and we heard a wonderful talk about raising daughters. I love a day with the gals! (Special thanks go out to Danny for watching 5 kids all day.)
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May 1, 2008
Lil' Smarty Pants
I hate bragging about my kids (yes, I include my dog as a kid) on my blog, but I have to give a report every once in a while. Tess talks so much now. She is a little parrot repeating everything I say, including the bad names I call Clover sometimes. Ooops! I'm just amazed though at what she picks up without me even knowing it. She fills in words to so many songs, knows part of her ABCs, and surprised me with counting the other day, too. She's growing up too fast! She is quite the character! Some of my latest favorites are: finding her stuck half way up the barstool with her chin on the counter saying "I want down", her constant need to pray over all her meals (she folds her arms and tells me "amen"), she tells me "no song" when she wants me to stop singing, she does the cutest wink, she tries to skip and walks on her tippy toes a lot, she asks now to go to sleep (love it), and she gives the cutest "eye kisses" (butterfly kisses). She is so rough & tumble, too, and rarely let's anything bother her. She surprises me every day with something! This is such a fun age and I'm loving it! Here are a few of my favorite recent pictures, including Easter:
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