May 30, 2008

Potty Time

It's amazing what gets you excited when you become a mom.  Tess went poop on the potty and it made my week!  Later that day she said, "Poop on potty..good job!"  That's right! She loves it! Yeah!  Now let's see if she keeps it up.


Connie said...

You know why we get so excited? It's because it's the end of all those squished up poopy diapers that is smeared all over their bums! It's not the end of wiping them, but it's a ton easier and cleaner. I think I've kept wiping mine until they are almost in Kindergarten - just to be sure they will do a good job on their own. No one likes a poopy bum! HA! HA!

Beth and Shilo said...

Oh my gosh I found someone that has a blog. I came across your guys while blog lurking. (it is a slow day at work.) I am excited that I found you guys and can hopefully keep in touch a little better. We need to get everyone else on the band wagon now. I didn't know you were doing photography. That is so fun. You take some cute pictures. And yeah no more diapers!! Well keep in touch, our blog (or should I say my blog) is pretty boreing because we dont have any kids but any who. Talk to you later!!

Amber said...

Awesome that she is already going potty!! Something just clicked with Thomas recently, and I can finally say that he is potty trained, YEA!! I know how exciting it can be! Great job.