November 15, 2008

Thanks Brad!

Normally, I wouldn't do this because I've been known to make fun of those blog posts that go on and on about how great someone's husband is.  But, I just had to publicly tell Brad thanks, especially for the past 5 months of me being pregnant.  He works so hard, keeps up the yard and house, and works on the basement in his spare time. Not only does he do all the regular man duties, but he cleans, cooks, irons, helps with laundry, takes care of our dog and child, and he BLOGS. Aren't I supposed to be doing all that? Sometimes I feel like a pretty sorry excuse for a wife because I can't even do my share of the work, but I know it will always be a little of give and take.  Thanks Brad for all you do!  Love this picture of you and Tess!

November 13, 2008

We're Pretty Sure

Well Mel worked again and checked to see what the sex of the baby was again. She is 98% sure that it is a girl. I'm really hoping that it's a girl because if it's a boy then he must not have much down there, if you know what I mean. It won't be any good for his self esteem if he has to get made fun of by his family and friends for the rest of his life because we couldn't spot anything on the ultrasound after looking numerous times. Sounds like a good old Adam Sandler movie to me where the kid always gets made fun of for the size of his manhood.

This has nothing to do with this post but I had to put this picture up. Isn't my daughter FREAKING CUTE!!

November 7, 2008

Who Knows!!

Well, my wife is slacking once again so i guess I will step in and give the latest update on the baby. A few weeks ago Mel peeked at work and thought she saw that it was a boy. She even had one of the doctors check it out and he also thought that it definetily looked like it was a boy. Well last week we had the ultrasound and when the tech went to check to see what the sex was she told us that it looked like a girl, but she wasn't getting a very good shot. So she kept on trying and then from a different angle she decided that it looked like it may be a boy. After quite a while of trying to make sure she decided that it looked like a girl again. So at that point she decided to ask another one of the techs to come in and look as well. The other tech was also having a hard time seeing what it looked like but was leaning towards a girl. So after over an hour of ultrasound we still weren't sure whether it was a boy or a girl. A couple of nights ago Mel went into work and was able to try to look again to see what the sex of the baby is and once again the baby was being stubborn (The baby must take after Mom) and had its legs closed. So after multiple ultrasounds we still aren't for sure on whether the baby is a boy or a girl. I will keep you all posted.