February 11, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

Okay, Matti tagged me about a month ago, but I've just recently updated the blog. In honor of Valentine's day and love of our spouses, here goes:

How long have you been together?
Almost 4 years
Who said "I Love You" first?
I did, of course!  I tell everyone I love them if I do, even friends.  If you know Brad, his response won't surprise you.  He would always respond "Thanks".  I had that engraved on the inside of his wedding ring.  After a few more weeks, though, our relationship deepened and he was the first to say, "I think I'm falling in love with you!"
Who is smarter?
Well, if we're fighting we both think we're the smartest.  Tough question, it depends on the subject.  Brad is a money genius and remembers everything including all small details.  I have the medical smarts I guess!
Who Pays the Bills?
Joint effort.  Brad and I keep each other well informed.  We're both talented at managing money (makes for fewer arguments...whew!)
Who Cooks Dinner?
We both do. Brad has definitely been doing more of the cooking lately.  But he's so good at it!
Who drives when you're in the car together?
Mostly Brad, unless I'm feeling especially nice.
Who is the most stubborn?
Hah!  Good question!
Who wears the pants in your family?
Tess!  She rules the roost.  Kidding.  I thought I'd wear the pants, but Brad quickly stomped out that idea.  We are equals.
Okay, now three random things about me:
1. I love the smell of skunk.  My mom grew up on a farm and said, "mmmm" every time we smelled a skunk.  It stuck with me.  Guess that shows you the power of a mother's influence.  
2. I wanted to be a belly dancer when I was little.
3. I love holey jeans and worn out T-shirts.  Must get it from my dad.

I'm tagging:

1 comment:

Jill and Preston said...

That is super SICK that you like Skunk!!!